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The Ancient Ones

In the early days of Chaos

We came from the constolation of Capricas on a planet called Orgas. This was over 2 millenium ago
This is a water planet fourth from the orange sun, Mumbolius IV. Which was in it's second phase of zeta at the time.
Our ancesters travel to this planet to escape the Mugwas that were attacking our crops and eating our people. These creatures came from the Gullwagin system  223,192.100 point 32. only about 38.3 octaves away.
We are a peacefull race of builders of basic technology to the third order.
When if became apperent we could no longer stay on this sun riched planet, we learnt the art of fourth order technology which included space travel and breeding armadillos. The job of collecting all the armadillos was left to the children and people over 50 (which in the end we left there). All in all, we have over 5,000 Ograsan's on board when we took off, many died on the way... in fact everyone died as it took 500 years to travel to this planet, we are the 6th generation since settleing here.