The Rasmus Girl Talks
one of the regular foursome was sick, so a new member named george filled in.
He was a good player and a very pleasent company so they asked him to join there group again the next following sunday "9.30
ok?" George said "ok, but i'm maybe for 10 minutes late. Wait for me" The following sunday he showed up right on time.
Not only that he played left-handed and beat them... They agreed to meet him the next following sunday. Again george said
"ok, i'm maybe 10 minutes late. Wait for me... Again George was on time... One of the foursome asked why he always said
'maybe i'm 10 minutes late' George said "Well thats true, when i wake up at a morning and my wife is sleeping on her right
side, i play right-handed. When she is sleeping on her left-side, i play left-handing... "What she is lying on her back"?
then i'm 10 minutes late!!!"
From DAN the Man
The teacher askes the student "What is your favorite state?"
The kid says "I like Mississipi"
The teacher said "How do you spell it?"
The kid says "err... I like Ohio better!"
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The teacher ask Bob "Bob you were supposed to write five pages on milk, it's only half a page
long! what happened?"
Bob said " I was writing about condensed milk"